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slide7The Municipal Museum of the Kalavritan Holocaust was founded under the no. A24908/04.08.1986 decision of the Prefect of Achaia (GG 715B/23.10.1986), which was replaced by decision no. 21092/07.07.1994 of the Prefect of Achaia (GG 556B/19.07.1994), as amended by no 7014/21.05.1999 and 5273/2007 decisions of the General Secretary of the Periphery and is a public corporation under the provisions of Law 3463/2006 (GG 114A) of the Municipal Code and is governed by the provisions of the afore mentioned decisions.

Government Gazette issue ΥΠΠΟ/ΔΙΛΑΠ/Γ/2116/31577/Φ.Ε.Κ./Β/769/31.10.1986 designated the building of the Elementary School as a work of art and a historical monument under special state protection. Government Gazette issue ΥΠΠΟ/ΔΙΛΑΠ/Γ/3488/52548/Φ.Ε.Κ./Β/79/27.11.1991 designated it as a historic site as well as the area which surrounds the historical monument of the Kalavritan Elementary School.

The goals of the Municipal Museum of the Kalavritan Holocaust are the following:

Α. To collect, document, preserve, exhibit and interpret all kinds of museological material associated with the events of the Holocaust of December 13, 1943 in Kalavrita and all the events before and after the Holocaust in the wider area of the Kalavritan province.
Β. To promote education and research by organizing temporary exhibitions, educational programs, lectures and conferences, publications in relation with the legal entity’s goals.
C. To create a specialized library and historical records relating to the goals of the legal entity.

The restoration works of the Elementary School and its conversion to the Museum of the Kalavritan Holocaust were based on the study of the Department of Cultural Buildings and the Restoration of Modern Monuments of the Ministry of Culture. The relative budget amounted to 1,167,332.42 Euros.

The project was also funded by the European Union and was incorporated in the Operational Programme “POLITISMOS” of the Community Support Framework 2000-2006.

The museum was inaugurated on January 9, 2005 by the former Greek President of the Hellenic Republic, Constantinos Stephanopoulos.

The legal entity is governed by a Board appointed by the Kalavritan City Council. The number of members and substitutes is provided by the establishment act and any amendments thereto.

The board members’ tenure is designated by the City Council’s decision. This always expires with the formation of the new board.

The public entity and the acts of the Board are under the supervision of the Municipality of Kalavrita, and the provisions of Law 3463/2006 as in force.