

Are you planning a visit to the Municipal Museum of the Kalavritan Holocaust? Information


Municipal Museum of the Kalavritan Holocaust


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In this symbolic building residents of Kalavryta city experienced and suffered the brutality of the Nazi atrocities.

Memory Anthology

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Speeches - anniversary speeches, articles, letters, testimonials, literary texts (prose - verse), publications etc
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Experiential testimonies of those who survived the Kalavrytan Drama


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Schools of Primary and Secondary Education will plan ...

Museum Publications

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From the Municipal Museum of the Kalavrytan Holocaust issued and available ...

From the guestbook

These events must never be forgotten as we forge a brighter future together. Long live the Greek nation!

29/05/2011 Stephen Harper Prime Minister of Canada

I have heard a lot of this horrible things, but now I have seen it with my eyes. I am German and am sorry what my people has done in Greece.

23-8-2011 S. Fali

I was very touched and very upset, very angry with the Germans. This memorial is a fantastic site to remind people of what had been done by the Nazi regime.

19-9-2009 Angelo Salamakis Australia
με τη συχρηματοδότηση της Ελλάδα και της Ευρωπαϊκης Ένωσης